Postdoctoral position - University of Minnesota


A postdoctoral position will be open in January 2010 to conduct
crystallographic studies of protein-DNA complexes.  Our laboratory studies
structure and function of various DNA-processing enzymes primarily using
x-ray crystallography.  Current research projects include retroviral
integrases, tyrosine family of site-specific recombinases, and
Holliday-junction resolvases.  Successful candidate should have research
experience (and Ph.D.) in biochemistry, biophysics, or similar disciplines.
Prior experience with x-ray crystallography or other structural biology
techniques is preferred.  The University of Minnesota at Twin Cities offers
superb research environment with state of the art x-ray diffraction and
robotic crystallization facilities.

If interested, please send a CV and contact information for references to
Hideki Aihara.


Hideki Aihara (

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

University of Minnesota


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