Hello Tommi,

could you please paste one or two lines of what you've got and one or two lines of what you want. That might make the problem description a bit easier.


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Sun, 13 Sep 2009, Tommi Kajander wrote:

...actually now i remember the problem was that i want it in excel with 800 column and each amino acid needs to be separated to a column (ie comma between each position) excel puts "words"
into one column. bit tedious to define columns by hand....

maybe wrong forum, but thanks anyway......


On Sep 13, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Tommi Kajander wrote:

off-crystal topic: i was wondering if anyone has a simple solution to
combining e.g. CLUSTAL etc ouput files to format (ie idcodes then 60 residues strech and start again below the same...) ...that has only one line per sequence. hopefully that was clear enough...

basic problem is simply combining lines which start with same set of characters (ID) but removing the IDs codes from everyelse but the beginning. i am not much of a script writer obivously....

Thanks a bunch!

Tommi Kajander
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
University of Helsinki
Viikinkaari 1
(P.O. Box 65)
00014 Helsinki
p. +358-9-19158903

Tommi Kajander, Ph.D.
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
University of Helsinki
Viikinkaari 1
(P.O. Box 65)
00014 Helsinki
p. +358-9-19158903

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