Hey Scott, I personally can only recommend motic. You get a stereo miscroscope with video camera/usb/svideo for way under $2k. We bought them with a lot of (mainly useless) aceessories for $1800/ea from VWR. They are not as sturdy/comfy as leicas (my favourite if money doesn't matter) but excellent image quality (that is /looking/ through the eipieces) vor the video I tend to not use any lighting at all (well, except the ambient lab lighting), otherwise they seem to be overexposed. Pros: price; image quality; camera cons: no indirect light (heat); image capture only on windows and mac, no linux sumary: works well, worth every penny - if money matters go for it
hth, Jens You might also want to search the archives, this topic has come a few times within the last two years. -----Original Message----- From: Scott Pegan <scott.d.pe...@gmail.com> Subj: [ccp4bb] Off Topic: Stereo Microscope Recommendations Date: Tue Sep 1, 2009 14:31 Size: 410 bytes To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Starting a new lab and looking for an inexpensive stereo microscope to support my crystallography. Any thoughts or recommendations? Would like for it to have a way to take a photo of the crystals either through an eyepiece or dedicated camera port. As any new lab, a cheap option won't be bad. Scott -- Scott D. Pegan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Denver