
I am trying to do a restrained refinement in refmac using a rhenium tricarbonyl (RTC) fragment similar to the one in PDB 1I53. My understanding of how to proceed is to take the PDB description of the file, read it into sketcher, and then run libcheck to create the various cif and lib files in my local directory. Assuming I can get this to work (see below), then refmac should recognize the monomer files in the local directory from the residue name and use the proper restraints? Or do I need to explicitly read in the lib file(s) (e.g., libcheck_RTC.cif) in the LibIn field in CCP4i?

I can read in the RTC PDB file below into sketcher and change the CO bonds to triple (they come up double on read-in), but then running libcheck dutifully makes the carbons sp2 and adds riding hydrogens. Arrrrgh. Running libcheck at the command line does the same thing with or without the HFLAG set. I would be grateful for any assistance/suggestions. I thought this would be an easy task... :) I must be missing something obvious. BTW, the RTC monomer in the HIC-UP server is incorrect: it is meridional instead of (the correct) facial geometry. THe PDB file below is correct.

ATOM   1976 RE   RTC B 905      39.199  36.612  61.900  1.00 20.26          RE 
ATOM   1977  O1  RTC B 905      41.664  36.504  60.063  1.00 20.75           O 
ATOM   1978  O2  RTC B 905      40.911  37.753  64.220  1.00 20.54           O 
ATOM   1979  O3  RTC B 905      39.925  33.794  62.879  1.00 20.49           O 
ATOM   1980  C1  RTC B 905      40.757  36.541  60.750  1.00 20.06           C 
ATOM   1981  C2  RTC B 905      40.269  37.327  63.349  1.00 20.00           C 
ATOM   1982  C3  RTC B 905      39.667  34.827  62.518  1.00 20.04           C 



Roger S. Rowlett
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935

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