I am an imosflm novice and have a relatively simple question. I have a 360 deg 
data set collected in two swathes of 180 deg (one with phi=0 and omega going 
0-180 and the second with phi = 180 and omega going 0-180). What is the easiest 
way to process the two datasets using a matching orientation matrix (or one 
rotated by 180 deg as it were) so that all the data can be merged together. Is 
there an easy way to do it in imosflm or must one process the two sets 
separately and then manipulate later with pointless before scalling and merging 
everything together?
Thanks in advance.

Tom J. Brett, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine 
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8052, 660 S. Euclid
Saint Louis, MO 63110

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