Dear colleagues,

we have two announcements to make:

7th International NCCR Symposium on New Trends in Structural Biology
7 + 8 September 2009, ETH Zürich, Lecture Hall HG E7, Zürich, Switzerland

The lecture program is available online at:

Plenary lecturers:
Frédéric Allain, Pietro de Camilli, Raimund Dutzler, Arthur L. Horwich, Brian Kobilka, Harry Noller,
Anna Marie Pyle, Ben Schuler, David Wemmer, Masasuke Yoshida

Online registration to this event is still possible through the symposium homepage or directly at:

8th NCCR Practical Course and 2nd Winter School
Biomolecular Modelling

The 8th NCCR Practical Course will cover key topics in the area of computational structural biology. The course format includes morning lectures by experts in the field that alternate with later afternoon to evening tutorials and discussions. The course will be organized as a winter retreat in the Swiss alps offering participants the opportunity to learn in a stimulating atmosphere, enjoy winter activities in the swiss alps during course breaks, and network and exchange ideas on an informal basis with fellow participants, tutors, and lecturers.

More information at
Online Application will be possible as of July 31, 2009

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you need further information (

With best regards,
Patrick Sticher

The NCCR Structural Biology is a research initiative of the Swiss Science Foundation. Its research encompasses the fields of recombinant protein technologies, macromolecular structure determination and computational biomolecular sciences with a special focus on membrane proteins and supramolecular assemblies/interactions. 13 research groups from Swiss Universities and Research Institutions participate in this network.

Visit the NCCR on the Internet

Dr. Patrick Sticher Moser
NCCR Scientific Officer
Institute of Biochemistry
University of Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH - 8057 Zürich

Phone   +41 / (0)44 / 635 54 84
Fax     +41 / (0)44 / 635 59 08

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