
I would like to add one thing to the already good list of suggestions. You can try to express your protein in Lactococcus lactis. We've earlier had successful expression in lactis where it was none or only inclusion bodies in E. coli. See for example: Kunji et al. Biochim Biophys Acta (2003) 97-108, Geertsma and Poolman. Nat Methods (2007) 705-7, Kunji et al. Curr Opin Biotechnol (2005) 546-51.

Ronnie Berntsson

On Jun 29, 2009, at 23:54, Yong, Wei wrote:

Dear all,

I know that there are a lot of experts having experience in expressing a big protein in E.coli or yeast. My project is about a 95kd covalently-FAD-binding protein (Human protein). I tried very hard but have a bad luck over the past 1.5 years. I list what I did briefly so far. I am looking forward to getting suggestions from you. Thanks a ton in advance.

1. Express full-length in pET28a (N-6xhis) No expression 2. Express full-length in pET21b (no- tag) Inclusion body 3. N and C terminus truncated construct Inclusion body
   (tagged and non-tagged)
4. Co-expression with GroEL/ S Inclusion body 5. Co-expression with with cofactors Inclusion body 6. In pMAL vector Not sure

Yeast: (No tag)
7. In pPICZb vector in Pichia No expression 8. In GHB30 vector in Saccharomyces cerevisiae No expression

I also tried to use different ways to break cells, use detergent, express at low temperature (down to 15 degree), modify IPTG concentration and so on.

I do not know what else I can try. Please give me suggestions. Thank you very much.

Best wishes

Wei Yong

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