


After a helpful hand (on a Sunday !!) from Dr. Fei Long I installed BALBES 1.0.0 in my Ubuntu Linux machine and in order to try it, I ran the same job I had previously ran in the WWW Server.

  Surprisingly the results were worse in my local BALBES.


  Results from the WWW:


  BALBES Version is 1.0.0.May_16_2009

  JOB FOR STARTS  AT Tue Jun  9 12:17:31 2009



  | Please cite the following paper in any publication        |

  | arising from use of BALBES:                               |

  | F.Long, A.Vagin, P.Young and G.N.Murshudov                |

  | "BALBES: a Molecular Replacement Pipeline"                |

  | Acta Cryst. D64 125-132(2008)                             |


  You have provide 2 sequences in the input sequence file

  number of amino acids in the sequence 1 is 65

  number of amino acids in the sequence 2 is 146



  # Structure Factor Data Analysis                            #


  Information about the structure to be solved


  |  SPACE GROUP   |         I 41 2 2        |


  |  CELL LENGTH   |  130.050 130.050 70.190 |


  |  CELL ANGLE    |   90.000 90.000 90.000  |


  |  RESOLUTIN_MAX |           1.95          |


  |  RESOLUTIN_MIN |          32.79          |


  |  DATA_COMPL    |          99.86%         |


  |  PSEUDO_TRANS  |       not detected      |


  |  ALPHA_TWIN    |       not detected      |





  The best Q after all model calculations is 0.7060




#                             A structure is suggested by BALBES                            #

#                         Its probability to be a solution is 99.0%                         #


  The solution model index is as1m1


| ITS PDB FILE       |                   results/refmac_final_result.pdb                    |


| ITS MTZ FILE       |                   results/refmac_final_result.mtz                    |


| R_ini/R_fin        |    0.5130/0.3820    |    Rfree_ini/Rfree_fin     |   0.4920/0.4070   |


  Results from local BALBES:


  BALBES Version is 1.0.0.Jun_1_2009

  JOB FOR STARTS  AT Sun Jun 28 22:51:50 2009



  | Please cite the following paper in any publication        |

  | arising from use of BALBES:                               |

  | F.Long, A.Vagin, P.Young and G.N.Murshudov                |

  | "BALBES: a Molecular Replacement Pipeline"                |

  | Acta Cryst. D64 125-132(2008)                             |


  You have provide 2 sequences in the input sequence file

  number of amino acids in the sequence 1 is 65

  number of amino acids in the sequence 2 is 146



  # Structure Factor Data Analysis                            #


  Information about the structure to be solved


  |  SPACE GROUP   |         I 41 2 2        |


  |  CELL LENGTH   |  130.050 130.050 70.190 |


  |  CELL ANGLE    |   90.000 90.000 90.000  |


  |  RESOLUTIN_MAX |           1.95          |


  |  RESOLUTIN_MIN |          32.79          |


  |  DATA_COMPL    |          99.86%         |


  |  PSEUDO_TRANS  |       not detected      |


  |  ALPHA_TWIN    |       not detected      |





  The best Q after all model calculations is 0.4785




#                             A structure is suggested by BALBES                            #

#                         Its probability to be a solution is 62.46%                        #


  The solution model index is sq1st2m1


| ITS PDB FILE       |                   results/refmac_final_result.pdb                    |


| ITS MTZ FILE       |                   results/refmac_final_result.mtz                    |


| R_ini/R_fin        |    0.5520/0.5130    |    Rfree_ini/Rfree_fin     |   0.5480/0.5190   |




As expected the maps in Coot are a lot worse and also the model is much more incomplete.


  Any ideas?


  Victor Alves




  Professor Auxiliar

  Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária

  UTL - Lisboa



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