It is limited to 9 input files, not datasets. If you have more than 9
files, you should be able to run CAD multiple times, to accumulate the

If you want to play with the source code, it is parameter MAXFILES. This
has NOT been tested for side effects.


On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 21:38 +0200, Christian Roth wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want combine more than 9 datasets to compare them in respect to
> their isomorphism. CAD seems to be limited to 9 datasets. Is their an
> other program to do this? Or is it possible to modify CAD in a way
> that it except more than 9 datasets? The following scaling with
> SCALEIT would allow up to 20 derivatives, if I understood the manual
> correct. 
> Best regards 
> Christian 
> -- 
> Christian Roth
> Institut für Bioanalytische Chemie
> Biotechnologisch-Biomedizinisches Zentrum
> Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie
> Universität Leipzig
> Deutscher Platz 5
> 04103 Leipzig
> Telefon: +49 (0)341 97 31316
> Fax: +49 (0)341 97 31319
*                                                                     *
*               Dr. Martyn Winn                                       *
*                                                                     *
*   STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K.   *
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*   Fax: +44 1925 603825    Skype name: martyn.winn                   * 
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