Dear HengChiat Tai

(a) According to me Seed Solutions should be stored depending on the
> stability of the crystals in the drop. If your crystal goes bad quite early
> then you have to make fresh seed frequently. Its always a good habit to make
> fresh seed, everytime you do streaking.
> (b) The number of drops which you can streak after dipping the whisker in
> seed solution once ! Depends on your swiftness. There are robots which can
> streak 12 drops continuously without the rquirement of washing in between. I
> can streak upto 6 drops continuously with a gap of less than a second. But
> it's always good to wash the whisker once in a while with water. If your
> crystallization condition has salts like Ammonium sulfate in it, then, the
> salt crystallizes quite fast on the whisker, as it is exposed to air for
> some time and you may land up seeding salt crystals in to your drop.
> (c)The inconsistency, which, you have been seeing in the crystal growth is
> quite common with streaking. Since it depends on how many micronuclei or
> seeds get in to the drop. Some times only one seed goes into the drop and
> you get a better quality single crystal in the entire drop. If two or three
> seeds go into the drop during streaking the effective protein concentation
> gets distribued between the seeds and as a result you have small and
> numerous crystals. The only solution to this can be  "  Streak as many drops
> as possible ".

> Your protocol for seed preparation looks fine.

>  I think you can  minimize  the vortex steps. If possible vortex or mix it
> well with pipette.

>  Choose those ends of the crystal for  making seed solution which seem to
> be growing.  It is like inoculating the Fresh media with bacteria which are
> in their early log phase of growth.

> Work with higher dilutions like, 100X and so on. Set up and streak as many
> drops as possible.

   All the best

> Regards

> Vikas Navratna
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