The (Australian) National Deuteration Facility has issued a call for
proposals for protein and DNA deuteration services.  The deadline for
this first call is May 8, 2009.

Deuteration may be necessary or desirable for:
* Neutron crystallography
* Neutron scattering (e.g. SANS, neutron reflectrometry)
* Other purposes with scientific merit

Deuteration services are available for proteins, DNA, or other molecules
produced using bacterial fermentation in D2O, using deuterated
precursors if necessary.  Deuteration via chemical synthesis is not
included in this call, although informal expressions of interest are
always welcome, and recommended where development lead times might be

For more information, please see

This call for deuteration proposals is part of a general call for
neutron facility proposals at ANSTO.  See


Dr Anthony Duff
ANSTO Bldg 21
PMB 1, Menai NSW 2234
Telephone: 02 9717 3493
Mobile: 043 189 1076

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