Hi all,

I have run into an unusual problem and am looking for some help.  I am
working with a small protein that is 76 amino acids in length.  I have
collected anomalous data and have located the 4/5 selenomethionine sites
using SHELX C/D and SHARP.  The map that is produced from SHARP after dm is
pretty nice.  I can see secondary structure and side chains.  I have
submitted this map to PHENIX autobuild, and it was able to place about 85%
of the model.  I have extended the model to be 90% complete.  Upon
inspection of the model, the selenomethioine locations match both the
sequence and the peaks in the anomalous difference fourier map.  I was
surprised to find that the model actually falls into 2 ASUs.  When I start
my refinement using phenix.refine and/or refmac, the R-factors start off in
the mid .40s, but after a round of simulated annealing the R-free rises to
the mid .50s.  I can go back and remove a section of the model, run a round
of refinement, and have the density return for that section of the map,
which I interpret as the phases being some what correct.  Does anyone have
any ideas on what would cause the R-free to be so high?  Again, I emphasize
that the experimental map was of rather good quality.  

Thanks for your help,

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