If you have the arrow defined by GLY CA coordinates which is created from DynDom then you can use the script on the following link to define an axis in PyMOL and change the color or thickness as you want. Define the position of the axis using two of the GLY CA coordinates found along the arrow line from DynDom.
http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Symmetry_Axis The script is the copyright of Matthew O'Meara and Xavier Ambroggio 2007. Quoting peter hudson <peter.hudson.pe...@gmail.com>: > Hi all > > Sorry for partially off topic query.... > > > I am working with a multidomain protein. which is present in closed and open > conforamtion because of the motion in the domains of the protein. I would > like to describe the roation angle of the different domains of the protein > and the direction of the domain motion of my structure as a pictorial > representation. I know the rotation angles and the direction of motion. My > major problem is the represtion in picture with arrows and shaft with the > cartoon diagram. I donot know which program can do this. could it be > possible with any model represtation tools. I know that Dyndom can do > everything, but here again i am not aware with the represetion of the domain > motion with arrows and shaft. i would appreciate the suggestions. > > Thanks in advance > > Peter > -- Michael Oldham Home: 3035 Courthouse Drive West Apt. 2B West Lafayette, IN 47906 (502) 210 0274 Work: 915 W. State Street West Lafayette, IN 47907 office: 765-494-9510 lab: 765-494-0299