A postdoctoral position is available for an experienced molecular
biologist/macromolecular crystallographer in the laboratory of Elisabeth
Sauer-Eriksson at Umeå University. The project involves
structure-function studies of proteins and protein complexes involved in
bacteria host cell interactions.
The application should be available to us before the 13th of March.
For information and application instructions, please visit
or contact elisabeth.sauer-eriks...@chem.umu.se
Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson
Department of Chemistry, KBC
University of Umeå
SE 90187 Umeå
Work Ph: +46-90-7865923
Home Ph: +46-90-140602
Mobile Ph: +46-70-6335320
Telefax: +46-90-7865944
E-mail: elisabeth.sauer-eriks...@chem.umu.se
Homepage: http://www.chemistry.umu.se