Dear CCP4ers and phenix developers,

although, this is not the phenix mailing list, this might still be useful for users as a pointer and for the developers of phenix for, maybe, improving phenix.

If you refine a macromolecular structure with phenix.refine using TLS and isotropic B-factors, the resulting PDB file will have the effective isotropic B-factors and their anisotropic corrections as ANISOU cards from both the TLS components and the individual isotropic B-factor component. I think, this is very useful, because the PDB file has the informations about the various B-factor components readily available, both for non-crystallographers that are not aware of TLS and for reproducing refinement results with other software.

However, if such a PDB file is fed into another refinement run with phenix.refine, the program recognizes the ANISOU cards and automatically switches to individual anisotropic B-factor refinement, unless you explicitly state, that you wish to continue with isotropic B-factor refinement by giving, for instance, a command line keyword like adp.individual.isotropic=all or convert_to_isotropic=true (see here).

I think, this is not reasonable, since the vast majority of macromolecular structures is refined at resolutions that do not justify anisotropic B-factor refinement, and most users simply use the default refinement parameters and are probably not aware of this behaviour.

May I therefore suggest to the developers of phenix to revert this behaviour, such that isotropic B-factor refinement is the default and anisotropic B-factor refinement is only done, if the user explicitly states that she/he wants it?

Best regards,


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center, A 5.07
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999

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