Did you check whether your drops shrink or grow after setting them up? If your calculation is correct, they shoud grow. In that case you are growing crystals be salting-in: As the salt concentration decreases as the drop volume increases, the solubility curve of your protein drops faster than its concentration so that it precipitates (fortunately in form of a crystal).

If that's the case you final state is not what you probably think it is and you are 'shocking' the crystal with a high concentration of all the constituents of the buffer.

Aside from this: did you try to slowly increase the concentration of the cryo-protectant rather than transferring the crystal directly into it? You can achieve this with a pipette by slowly adding the cryoprotectant to the crystal. - where 'slowly' can vary between seconds and minutes or even hours.

Good luck, Tim

I grow my crystals with vapor diffusion in 24-well format by hanging a drop of equal volume protein and precipitant solution over the reservoir of precipitant solution. Interestingly, when I do the math, the initial osmolarity of my drop is greater than that of the reservoir (due to the high NaCl in the protein solution). As far as I know, this runs against the principles of the vapor diffusion method, as vapor will leave the reservoir and enter the drop...


Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology
970L Lazare Research Building
University of Massachusetts Medical School
364 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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