Hi Ho,
this might be helpful:
R.J. Read, Acta Cryst. (1999). D55, 1759-1764
"Detecting outliers in non-redundant diffraction data".
On 2/13/2009 4:45 PM, Ho-Leung Ng wrote:
Hi Clemens,
Can you elaborate on the effects of improper inclusion of low
resolution (bogus?) reflections? Other than rejecting spots from
obvious artifacts, it bothers me to discard data. But I can also see
how a few inaccurate, very high intensity spots can throw off scaling.
UC Berkeley
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:14:38 +0000
From: Clemens Vonrhein <vonrh...@globalphasing.com>
Subject: Re: unstable refinement
* resolution limits: are you suddenly including all those poorly
measured or non existent reflections at the low resolution end (10A
and lower) that are only present because the beamstop masking wasn't
don properly during data processing/integration?
These bogus reflections can mess up your bulk-solvent correction and
scaling with weird effects. Better check the scale factors you're
getting during refinement and if they make sense.
* Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D. vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
* Global Phasing Ltd.
* Sheraton House, Castle Park
* Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK
* BUSTER Development Group (http://www.globalphasing.com)