Hi everyone!
I have a problem when I use mlphare
Sure you do have a problem: you actually do use mlphare !
... with no intension to offend Eleanor's favorite program,
mlphare was a step forward in phasing, but about 20 years ago.
SHARP really put M(S)IR(AS) phasing in a new dimension, and SOLVE
and CNS definitely kept in pace. Lately, phaser and bp3 do an
excellent job in SAD phasing.
Although all programs have strengths and weaknesses, ten years on the
and (auto)SHARP does not stop to amaze me. the latest example being a
couple of weeks
ago when all else had failed, and embarrassingly enough a friend
pushed me back to SHARP.
(this will cost me dearly next time in the pub I am afraid)
I would likely not have bothered to comment on using SHARP instead of
since much is up to taste and personal experience (... or in other
words I personally still prefer SHARP ...)
but I am sorry to say that I find playing with mlphare for a MIRAS
case to be a waste of time.
SHARP would always produce a better map and its so much more flexible
to describe your experiment properly ...
PS1 SHARP is free for academic users and despite older testimonials
easy to install these days.