========================= Scientific Programmer EMBL Hamburg =========================
A position for a scientific programmer is immediately available in the group of Thomas Schneider at EMBL Hamburg. The EMBL Outstation in Hamburg (htpp://www.embl-hamburg.de) has a wide research program in structural biology ranging from the development of synchrotron instrumentation via computational methods for structure determination and analysis all the way to structural and functional studies of molecules of biological interest. In the near future, the PETRA III synchrotron, one of the world's brightest sources for X-rays, will become operational. EMBL-Hamburg is constructing three beamlines on PETRA III and we expect many interesting structural biology projects to be carried out on this exceptional source. The group of Dr. Thomas R. Schneider is developing computational tools for mining ensembles of experimentally determined structures for information about the conformational flexibility of biological molecules and complexes. This information is then used to understand the function of the molecules or to provide a basis for the interpretation of low resolution structural data in terms of known fragments. For details, see Schneider TR (2004) Acta Cryst. D60:2269 and Mosca et al. (2008) BMC Bioinformatics 9:352 We are seeking a Scientific Programmer for the development and implementation of novel algorithms in structure determination and analysis. In addition to the development work, the successful candidate will be in charge of making our computational tools available to the scientific community by maintainance and distribution of the respective computer programs and by the provision of web-based services. There are also opportunities to engage into independent projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in structural biology. Experience in scientific programming, ideally using C++, is required. Previous experience in the construction of web-based services is a plus. The candidate should be interested in working in an international, multidisplinary research environment and in interacting with a broad user community. Excellent communication and interpersonal as well as English language skills are a necessity. For more information and to apply, please visit: http://www.embl-hamburg.de -> Jobs For informal enquiries please contact me directly at: thomas.schnei...@embl-hamburg.de ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Thomas R. Schneider Project Coordinator e...@petra3 EMBL c/o DESY Notkestr. 85 fax: 0049-(0)40-89902-149 22603 Hamburg phone: 0049-(0)40-89902-190 Germany email:thomas.schnei...@embl-hamburg.de ----------------------------------------------------------------------- e...@petra3: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/services/petra/index.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------