Posted on behalf of Lydia Tabernero (so replies to me will get
ignored ;-)

                         POSTDOCTORAL POSITION 
                       IN PROTEIN CRYSTALLOGRAPHY

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to work on the
structure determination of regulatory protein complexes critical in cell
signaling pathways. This exciting project is aimed to understand the
molecular basis for specific substrate recognition by protein tyrosine
phosphatases that are involved in regulation of cell proliferation and
growth. A better understanding of their molecular interactions with
their partners, together with bioinformatics analyses will set the
foundation for the rational design of novel inhibitors.This project is
part of a multidisciplinary Marie Curie research training network funded
by the EU-FP6 ( will be expected to
carry out novel research that contributes new knowledge to the field.
They may also work for short periods in other Network laboratories, to
obtain experience in other disciplines and techniques. They will have
opportunities to collaborate widely and to present their work to other
Network scientists at regular meetings. 

This post offers an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic research
team in the Structural Biology group of the Faculty of Life Sciences
that benefits from its superb multidisciplinary facilities and
environment as well as from a highly friendly working atmosphere. The
Faculty provides a stimulating and interactive environment for research
staff, where a career development advisory programme is offered. 

Suitable candidates will have a strong background in protein
crystallography and biochemistry. Good programming skills and experience
with MySQL, Perl will be a plus. The position is available from 1st
April 2009, and for up to 18 months. Candidates must be EU citizens
(other eligibility criteria apply).

Enquiries should be made to:

Dr. Lydia Tabernero
Michael Smith Building 
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Manchester
Tel: 0161 275 7794


*                                                                     *
*               Dr. Martyn Winn                                       *
*                                                                     *
*   STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K.   *
*   Tel: +44 1925 603455    E-mail:            *
*   Fax: +44 1925 603825    Skype name: martyn.winn                   * 
*             URL:                      *

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