Hi everyone,
Also got a imosflm problem - I installed the ccp4-6.1.0 before Xmas.
Downloaded the binaries and installed it using the install script. (both
setup-files are sourced in my .bashrc file). All programs I tried so far
worked fine. But if I try to start imosflm (from the gui or the
comandline) I get the following error message:
MOSDIR is /home/schneider/project1/scratch
Error in startup script: unknown namespace in import pattern "itcl::*"
while executing
"namespace import itcl::*"
"/usr/local/share/CCP4new/ccp4-6.1.0/ccp4i/imosflm/src/imosflm.tcl" line 91)
invoked from within
"source $env(IMOSFLM)"
"/usr/local/share/CCP4new/ccp4-6.1.0/ccp4i/imosflm/imosflm.tcl" line 111)
Am using a Suse 10.3 x84_64 linux box and I have the old CCP4 version
somewhere else, but not sourced (just kept it since I thought ie shar
might get upset). I also installed CCP4 6.1 on a different suse
linux-box (where there hadn't been CCP4 on it before) and it worked just
I got Tkl/tk version 8.4 installed. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Dr. Sabine Schneider
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Butenandtstrasse 5-13, Building F
81377 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 77846
Fax: +49 (0)89 2180 77756