I struck with MR problem. MY target has 76% sequence identity with the
model. I tried Phaser, AMoRe and Molrep. None of them gave me satisfactory
solution. If you have any suggestions and or New programs I would like to
that is odd. at 76% SI mol. repl. should normally be a breeze. possibilities:
- does your protein have multiple domains? if so, maybe their
relative orientation differs - try searching with the individual domains
- is there a problem with the data perhaps? run it through xtriage to check
- are you sure you have crystallised the right protein? don't laugh - been
there, done that, got the PDB entry (2CDS was supposed to have been 1CBS... no
wonder my 3 zillion mol. repl. trials didn't work - until i eventually
recognised the cell constants of tetragonal lysozyme... i learned a lot about
mol. repl., though)
good luck!
merry x-mas/hannuka/flying-spaghetti-monster-mas/wednesday everybody!
Gerard J. Kleywegt
[Research Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences]
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology University of Uppsala
Biomedical Centre Box 596
SE-751 24 Uppsala SWEDEN
http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard/ mailto:ger...@xray.bmc.uu.se
The opinions in this message are fictional. Any similarity
to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.