Thanks a lot, Pavol, that indeed did the trick. refmac Rwork Rfree RMSDb RMSDan 5.5.0063 0.1682 0.2118 0.0204 1.717 5.5.0066 0.1781 0.2247 0.0205 1.764 5.5.0070 0.1663 0.2102 0.0204 1.719
Cheers Jan On Dec 19, 2008, at 2:21 AM, Pavol Skubak wrote:
Hi Jan, the difference between 5.5.0063 and 5.5.0066 is just a few bugfixes. However, unfortunately one of them introduced a new bug to 5.5.0066 which has been fixed in the later versions. Could you please upgrade to the latest version (currently 5.5.0070) from That should fix the problem (please let us know if it does not) Pavol.
-- Jan Abendroth deCODE biostructures Seattle / Bainbridge Island WA, USA work: home: