Have you seen these papers:

M Geiser, R Cebe, D Drewello, and R Schmitz. Integration of pcr
fragments at any specific site within
cloning vectors without the use of restriction enzymes and dna ligase.
Biotechniques, 31(1):88–90, 2001.

W Wang and B A Malcolm. Two-stage pcr protocol allowing introduction
of multiple mutations,
deletions and insertions using quikchange site-directed mutagenesis.
Biotechniques, 26(4):680–682, 1999.

If i recall correctly, Geiser el al inserted a >1kb fragment with a
modified Quickchange method.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Raji Edayathumangalam
> Hi Folks,
> Sorry for the non-xtallo posting.
> I am curious to hear what is the longest insert anyone has cloned using a
> modification of the Quikchange cloning strategy. Basically,
> ligation-independent cloning by strapping on homologous regions of the
> vector onto the primers which also generate the initial PCR product. I plan
> to proceed with my insert which is ~ 2kb and am curious to get some feedback
> if you have successfully cloned inserts > 1.5kb using the above strategy.
> Many thanks.
> Raji

Michael Giffin
The Scripps Research Institute
Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine
10550 North Torrey Pines Road, MEM-131
La Jolla, CA 92037
lab:  858-784-7758

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