Hello All!
Does anyone know if is there available in the market some sort of
all-in-one device capable of keeping the crystals of a double crystal
monochromator tunned?
I've contacted colleagues around the globe who have similar systems
running, but none of them were able to indicate me some company which
still assemblies such system. It seems today's solution would be to
integrate complementary peaces of hardware or even program them in
Hope this message finds each of you well,
Lucas Sanfelici
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source- LNLS (www.lnls.br
<http://www.lnls.br/> )
Beam Diagnostics Group
PO Box 6192 Postal Code 13083-970
Campinas-SP Brazil
Phone: +55-19-3512-1153/1152  Fax: +55-19-3512-1006

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