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The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research

Postdoctoral Scientist – Protein Crystallography

Salary from £25,500 – £38,000 (Depending on experience)

3 year fixed term contract

The Beatson Institute in Glasgow is one of Europe's leading cancer research 
centres. It is core funded by Cancer Research UK and supports cutting edge 
research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer development. The Institute has 
recently moved to a new facility that provides an outstanding research 
environment, underpinned by state-of-the art core services and advanced 

We are seeking an experienced protein crystallographer to investigate the 
structure of cancer-related proteins, to work in a recently established 
research group interested in the kinesin superfamily with a focus on human 
mitotic kinesins and their associated proteins. Many of these proteins are good 
targets for drug development in cancer chemotherapy. In addition, we 
collaborate with other groups at the Institute to determine the structures of 
cancer-related proteins.

We have a well-equipped laboratory for all aspects of structural work including 
ÄKTA protein purification systems, a Mosquito nano-drop robot, an automated 
storage and visualisation system (Formulatrix), and a Rigaku HighFlux Homelab 
microfocus diffraction system. In addition, we are well equipped to 
characterise the biochemistry of protein - inhibitor complexes towards the 
optimisation of lead compounds in collaboration with our chemistry colleagues.  
 For more details please refer to our web site at

The successful applicant must hold a PhD in protein crystallography and have 
successfully completed at least one post-doctoral position in the same field. A 
good theoretical background in protein crystallography and extensive experience 
in the determination of protein structures will be strongly favoured.

Applications with CV and names of two referees should be sent to Prof. Frank 
Kozielski, The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Garscube Estate, 
Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow, G61 1BD, Scotland (FAX: +44 141 942 3653) 
or by Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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