Victor Alves schrieb:
> Hello Developers
> Having bought a new laptop, putting in a fresh installation of Linux
> Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid and compiling a list of crystallographic software
> to install, I arrived at the following dilemma.
> Most programs I'll use require a previous installation of the CCP4
> suite, so if version 6.1 is almost upon us, I reckoned I could wait
> for its release.
> Now for the question. Again!
> Should I wait for 6.1 or not even Santa Claus is delivering us the new
> version?
> No pressure! Just a simple question...  :-)
> Victor Alves
Hi Victor,

if you take a look at the ftp servers, you will already find the 6.1
packages, although there is no release announcement yet.


Justin Lecher
Institute for  Neuroscience and Biophysics
INB 2 - Molecular Biophysics II
Research centre Juelich GmbH,
52425 Juelich,Germany
phone: +49 2461 61 5385

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