Dear Rafael --

On 19 Nov 2008, at 02:22, Rafael Counago wrote:
Any ideas on why there is a difference between the Rfactors from Refmac and Sfcheck?

To quote a previous posting:
"Sfcheck usually does not have enough information to reproduce your full
refinement.  In particular, it does not reproduce the solvent model,
TLS refinement, anomalous terms, variant scattering factors, etc.
So it cannot reproduce your original Fcalc values.
Given that it has different Fcalc, it is no wonder that it also has different
R values."

Kind regards.

-- Leo --
Chavas Leonard, Ph.D. @ home
Research Associate
Marie Curie Actions Fellow
Faculty of Life Sciences
The University of Manchester
The Michael Smith Building
Oxford Road
Manchester Lancashire
M13 9PT
Tel: +44(0)161-275-1586

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