Hi Luke,
the new imosflm is really wonderful with its easy access to mosflm,
its plenty graphic diagnostics and the quick pointless/scala access.
A couple of questions that came up using it during data collection:
- Is there any imosflm-specific documentation?
- Is there a possibility to read in a parameter file? During data
collection it is very convenient with good ol' mosflm to have a
parameter file in which one only has to change eg. dcb16-5 to dcb16-6
and everything else is set up, rather than clicking through the file
tree to find the images. Also, some beamlines notoriously have a
slightly off beam centre in the file header which can be addressed
with such a parameter file, or the default gain might be off a bit...
- Is there a simple way to add images? Eg. when one has fired up
imosflm 10 images have been collected, if I then want to refine cell
parameters with two wedges 90 deg apart and want to integrate the
full data set. At this point it seems that I can only add one image
at a time.
Thanks a lot for any pointers
On Nov 13, 2008, at 9:18 AM, Luke Kontogiannis wrote:
Dear all,
When we released iMosflm 1.0.0 on 17th October 2008, I accidentally
uploaded a zip archive with an old version of the imosflm source
code for Windows. If you downloaded the iMosflm for Windows zip
archive between 17 October and 13 November 2008, you are running
iMosflm 1.0.0 gc (gold candidate). You can see which version you
are running by clicking on the Help menu and selecting "About iMosflm"
In iMosflm 1.0.0 gc the QuickSymm and QuickScale buttons do not
work properly and the mtz files are placed in the mosdir directory
in the imosflm root directory
If you download imosflm.zip from 13 November 2008 onwards, you will
be running iMosflm 1.0.0, 13th November 2008. The output mtz files
will be saved in the mosdir directory under your home folder e.g
"C:/Documents and Settings/Luke Kontogiannis/mosdir" and the
instructions on the Windows section of the imosflm website on how
to get Baubles to work should get you up and running.
Unix/Linux/Mac OS X users are unaffected.
Thanks to the CCP4 team for pointing this out and apologies to all
Windows users.
Jan Abendroth
deCODE biostructures
Seattle / Bainbridge Island WA, USA
work: JAbendroth_at_decode.is
home: Jan.Abendroth_at_gmail.com