It might be possible that there's a problem in the low resolution
portion of your data.  You could check the wilson plot to make sure it
looks normal at that range, and possibly change the low-resolution
cutoff refmac is using.


Jan Abendroth wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a number of low-ish resolution data sets that show a strange B-factor
> behaviour:
> All are just better than 3AA resolution, collected on a strong synchrotron
> beamline. Some, yet not tremendous radiation decay.
> Wilson scaling, obviously not very reliable at this resolution, gives me a
> Wilson B of about 40, already a low number. Refinement in refmac5 (5.5.0053)
> with individual B-factors refinement leads to an average B factor of around
> 16 with several individual B factors hitting the B=2 limit...
> When I convert Is to Fs in truncate simply using the square root, things get
> even a bit worse, the average B now is 14.
> When I try to do an overall B-factor refinement, still individual B-factors
> appear in the output file.
> refinement details: 2.8AA resolution,medium ncs for two ncs related chains,
> no riding hydrogens, simple scaling, MKLF target, isotropic B factors
> Rwork: 0.206, Rfree=0.286, bonds=0.018, angles=1.89 ... obviously I could
> retrain a bit more...
> Any ideas how to handle this? Basically, my question is: how do I get the
> overall B factor to realistic numbers?
> Thanks a lot for any hints
> Jan
> --
> Jan Abendroth
> deCODE biostructures
> Seattle / Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
> work:
> home:

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