Dear CCP4BBers,

With apologies to non-UK crystallographers (to whom it is not relevant
so they should read no further).

Just to let you know that there are opportunities for grant and
fellowship applications from researchers wishing to work in the Research
Complex at Harwell (RCaH). This is a great new lab being built next door
to Diamond, which is a prime spot for PX since it will also house the
CCP4 core team and the Oxford Protein Production Facility (OPPF).  A
call has just gone out from MRC, and the other Research Councils
have/will have schemes (e.g. the BBSRC Diamond Fellowship scheme, which
is closing soon, but there will be other calls).

Full information of the MRC calls can be found on the website:

General info on RCaH on

| Simon E.V. Phillips  |
Director, Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Oxon OX11 0DE
United Kingdom
Tel:   +44 (0)1235 778946
       +44 (0)1235 778431 (sec)
       +44 (0)7884 436011 (mobile)
Visiting Professor of Biophysics
Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
University of Leeds
Visiting Professor in Molecular Biophysics
Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford

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