Hello everybody,

I am dealing with the standard problem that I have (spherical) crystals and I 
want to completely make sure that it is nothing else than protein. Since the 
amount of protein I am working with is very limitated, I
want to get the maximum of information out of the few xtals I have.
So we put them into the beam (Rigaku, Saturn 944 CCD, 1min exposure time) and 
there was no single spot (no salt spots either). Due the stability of the 
xtals, I am not so sure about soft/hard (poking with needle), IZIT did not show 
much, either. I did the same crystallization experiment, again but without 
protein (vapour/diffusion: liquid drops so far).  Another method is to try to 
wash the xtals and do an SDS-PAGE afterwards, but this destroys the crystals 
(maybe already during the washing process in the worst case). Before I do this 
procedure, I wonder if it would make sense to try to dye them via another 
method than IZIT. However, glutaraldehyde should mess up the SDS-PAGE plan 
because of the crosslinking effect (right? no "unlinking" possible?).
Since I do not have any practical experience with these two techniques, I 
wonder what priority you would suggest, SDS-PAGE or glutaraldehyde? Or is there 
another method (like unsuccessful staining with IZIT) I am not aware of, that 
would allow an SDS-PAGE or staining by glutaraldehyde afterwards? Many thanks 
for your suggestions! 



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