Hi Lei,
You can make a new library using Libcheck in CCP4 or eLBOW in Phenix . Then you can handle your ligands in Coot. Of course , the new PDB file for the GLC-GLC can be obtained from PDB or you can make it by libcheck yourself.
Good luck!
Petr Kolenko wrote:
Hi Lei.
As I expect, you use REFMAC for structure refinement. This link should help you to connect in principle any atoms between residues (or ligands as well).


You can also find many examples of different LINKs in the PDB records. I would prefer the most similar ones. ;)

Best wishes,

Petr Kolenko

lei feng wrote:

Hello Carlos
thanks for your kindly reply. I think the cif file ( GLC_mon_lib.cif ) is only for one glucose molecule, it can not regulate the bond between two glucose units, that is why they break apart in the real space refinement. in the pdb file , different glucoses are different molecules, I do not know how to generate a cif file to give regulation on bond between glucose units. If we can make this cif file , is it the same as GLC_mon_lib.cif? Thanks a lot for you help . Yours

> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 17:23:58 -0600
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] sugar ligand refinement in coot
> Lei,
> If your cif file isn't complete, you can load your pdb GLC in Sketcher in ccp4 suite and generate a cif file. When you have your cif, import your cif file inside coot.
> Carlos
> >>> lei feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/05/08 4:08 PM >>>
> hello everyone
> can anyone help me with sugar ( say maltoheptaose) refinement in coot?
> I use the pdb file with " GLC " name , it always breaks apart into discountinuous glucose when I try to use real space refinement , I believe that is because there is no restraint with regarding to bond , whatever in cif file.
> I know I could give it a unique name , say G7 and substitute the " GLC "it in the pdb file, make a new cif file and refine it , it will not break apart again. But , when I deposit the structure in the future , it is allowed? It seems everyone working with sugar ligands are using " GLC" . how did they work in refinement ?
> Thanks for any suggestion.
> lei Feng
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