Dear Sabine,
I recently dealt with a very similar situation as follows:

-I ended up growing the crystals in 4+4 uL drops. Skin formation tends to be
less of a problem in larger drops. This kind of experimentation is of course
only possible if protein production is not a limiting factor.
-For crystal manipulation, I used to add 10-20 uL of the reservoir solution
directly to the drop. In this way I could easily manipulate the 5-6 crystals
that grew per drop within 5 minutes without any noticeable effects on the
-I found out that cryo-cooling the crystals by plunging them into liquid
nitrogen straight out the drop was the only way to effectively cryo-cool
such crystals. In fact the crystal condition was very similar to yours (3.2
M AS, 20 mM potassium phosphate pH 6.0).

I cite the most relevant paragraph from our paper (Kyndt et al.
Biochemistry. 2007 46(1):95-105.):

"To prepare crystals for data collection under cryogenic
conditions (100 K), crystals were flash-cooled by plunging
them directly from their native drops into liquid nitrogen. A
series of cryocooling conditions using a variety of cryoprotecting
reagents such as glycerol, sucrose, PEG 400, and
paratone indicated that only crystals flash-cooled by plunging
them directly from their native drops into liquid nitrogen
produced diffraction of acceptable quality."

Best wishes

Savvas Savvides 
L-ProBE, Unit for Structural Biology 
Ghent University 
K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 
9000 Ghent, BELGIUM 
office: +32-(0)9-264.51.24 ; mobile: +32-(0)472-92.85.19 

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sabine
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:34 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Crystals grown from high ammonium sulphate

Hi everyone,

We got crystals that grew in ~3.2M ammonium sulphate and some 
tris-buffer at 18dgC. Unfortunately the crystals take a while to grow 
(~4-5 weeks) and so far we only have 4-5 xtals.
I tried to freeze the crystals, but as soon as I broke though the skin 
of the drop the ammonium sulphate started to crystallise. I got the 
crystals out, froze them using sort of an artifical mother liquor with 
sodium malonate as cryo and tested the diffraction. The freezing seems 
to be OK and it is definitely a protein crystal. The crystal suffered 
when the ammonium sulphate in the drop started to crystallise, but 
didn't seem to deteriorate anymore in the cryo. Well the corners had 
already more or less disappeared by the time I got them out of the drop...
Since we only have a few xtals at the moment and I can't try out a lot 
of things, I was wondering if anyone has experienced and solved a 
similar problem? My freezing attempt so far was in an airconditioned 
room with 18dgC. I thought about higher humidity and temperature in the 
room, and/or adding the cryo directly to the drop.... 
Any ideas are very much appreciated!


Dr. Sabine Schneider
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Butenandtstrasse 5-13, Building F
81377 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 77846
Fax: +49 (0)89 2180 77756

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