EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Group Leader in Structural Biology: X-ray Crystallography / Electron
The Structural and Computational Biology Unit at EMBL Heidelberg seeks
to recruit an outstanding group leader in structural biology with a
research focus directed towards the structure-function analysis of
macromolecular complexes and protein-protein interaction networks.The
vision of the unit is to provide a detailed spatial and temporal
description of various biological systems across different scales of
resolution (from molecules to cells) by combining different structure
determination techniques (X-ray, NMR, single particle EM, EM tomography,
single molecule light microscopy) with computational, chemical and
systems biology.
The advertised position is suitable for candidates using X-ray
crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy (single-particle analysis
and/or cryo-electron tomography) as principal techniques combined with
other biophysical techniques, molecular biology, biochemistry and cell
biology. The successful candidate should demonstrate a strong motivation
to work in the multidisciplinary and collaborative environment of EMBL.
An initial contract of 5 years will be offered to the successful
candidate. This can be renewed, depending on circumstances at the time
of review.
Closing date: 30 November 2008
Web page: http://www.embl.de
Further information about research in the Structural and Computational
Biology Unit and the position can be obtained from Joint Unit
Coordinators Peer Bork [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Christoph Müller
To apply, please email a CV, three references and a concise description
of research interests and future plans quoting ref. no. W/08/086 in the
subject line, to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personnel, EMBL, Postfach 10.2209, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany.
Fax: +49 6221 387555 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dr. Christoph W. Muller
Joint Coordinator
Structural and Computational Biology Unit
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69012 Heidelberg, Germany
phone: 0049-6221-387-8320
fax: 0049-6221-387-519