On 30.10.2008, at 04:39, David M Shechner wrote:

I was wondering if anyone knew of a quick method (say, a publicly- available script, or subroutine in a CCP4 program) by which one might calculate the
Radius of Gyration of a molecule, given its pdb file.  Any ideas?

The Python script below will calculate the radius of gyration for the assembly of all molecules specified in a PDB file (typically the asymmetric unit). To run it, you need the Molecular Modelling Toolkit, available from


Konrad Hinsen
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS Orléans
Synchrotron Soleil - Division Expériences
Saint Aubin - BP 48
91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Tel. +33-1 69 35 97 15

from MMTK import *
from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
from MMTK.PDBMoleculeFactory import PDBMoleculeFactory
from Scientific import N

conf = PDBConfiguration('some_molecules.pdb')
factory = PDBMoleculeFactory(conf)
molecules = Collection(factory.retrieveMolecules())

def radiusOfGyration(m):
    natoms = m.numberOfAtoms()
    center = sum((atom.position() for atom in m.atomList()),
                 Vector(0., 0., 0.)) / natoms
    sum_r = sum(((atom.position()-center).length()**2
                 for atom in m.atomList()))
    return N.sqrt(sum_r/natoms)

print radiusOfGyration(molecules)/Units.Ang, "Angstrom"

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