Dear Joe
              one thing that has helped me a lot with similar problems is G. 
Kleywegt's SPASM - you make your best guess of the mainchain then add a total 
guess of the sidechains (say with mutate in COOT - choosing the top rotamer). 
Then you cut out the loop and run this in SPASM as a search model looking for 
similar motifs in the pdb. You specify a low cut-off for the substitution 
matrix - to get lots of hits - and use high values (3.0-4.5A) for the initial 
positional errors for the residues - this means you get maybe 100 possible 
structurally similar loops from other proteins. Then you can sort the output on 
BLOSUM similarity score or on RMSD to your initial guess. The BLOSUM search 
criterion is the reason that you add the sidechains. If you get no hits with CA 
and SC (sidechain) then you can switch to CA only.  Or try with a more 
restricted bit of your loop. Or look through the output just for loops that 
share a structurally conserved Gly or Pro with
 your sequence.

If I get any possible hits I then superimpose them  on the electron density to 
see if they give hints how the sidechains might lie and also how the backbone 
H-bonding might run. There are lots of small motifs with conserved sidechain to 
mainchain H-bonding (there is a database of these in Glasgow I think) and so 
you pick up hints from similar loops more often than you might think - from 
completely unrelated proteins. 

I have a script to run SPASM if you want it. 

  Another approach is RAPPER which builds multiple a priori loops very quickly 
and sees if they fit the density. There used to be a RAPPER server... not sure 
if it is still active.
Good luck. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Joe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October, 2008 4:11:01 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Poor electron density - polyAla or PolyGly?

I have been building a protein model (resolution 2.2A) which has one
small loop of 6 residues having poor density. I cannot see any side
chain in this region but I can see relatively poor main-chain density
which at least clearly indicate the loop conformation. I am trying my
best to build polyAla chain in this region. But 3-4 residues end up
coming in disallowed region of Ramachandran plot. I think the problem
is - in this region i can not even build the main chain atoms with
high confidence.
Can I build polyGly in this region? or should I just leave this
region? I just don't feel like leaving this region empty.
Any suggestions in this regards is highly appreciated!

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