Heidi Schubert wrote:


I would like to convert a map into SFs to use for molecular replacement. Read on if you think you can help.

I have a 3.7A MAD data set and a few 30% similar homology models for crystal in i222 space group. The combination of the two pieces of information generated solvent flattened phases which reflect unique information and have a FOM of 0.65. Workable, but certainly any model I build is inherently poor.

I have new data for the same protein (2 mols in the ASU now) in C2 space group with data to 2.1A. The poor models (original models and an attempt at a "better" built model from the 3.7A phases) do not work as molecular replacement solutions in Phaser or MolRep. It would be better if I could use the i222-3.7A map for the molecular replacement into the new space group.

PHASER manual says "This density has been cut out and converted to structure factors in a large cell"
So, how do I do that?

Randy J. Read wrote:
The procedure of cutting out electron density, putting it into a large unit cell, and backtransforming to get structure factors can be tricky (as you've discovered), so we put some instructions on our webpage:


The last time I tried that it worked, but let me know if you run into any problems with your case.

Randy Read


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