While attending the ICSG meeting in Oxford last month it struck me that
there might be a need for a general protein crystallography portal
containing information about software, websites, jobs, journals,
organizations, education, etc. While I realize that many people have
created great lists of related websites for protein crystallography, I
decided to create a new one and maintain it going forward. It can be found
at The inspiration for the name came from Ian Wilson's
discussions about the structural biology universe and the impetus to create
it came from Ian Wilson's discussion of XtalPred, Derewenda's talk on SERp,
and Sussman's great presentation about Proteopedia; it is difficult to keep
up with all the innovations and pxuniverse is an attempt to give easier
access to all the available tools.
If you have any links that you would like to see added please send them
directly to me. If you have any suggestions about the organization, I will
consider all suggestions.
Thanks - Paul Swepston