Dear all, deadline for submission of proposals for beamtime at BM14 for beamtime at ESRF during Nov/Dec 2008 is next Friday 3rd october 2008 -get in your proposals now!. Beamline proposals can be submitted on-line from the BM14 webpages at <>
PLEASE remember this call is distinct from ESRF proposal call and allows you direct access to BM14 -special requests can be forwarded directly to me and we will do our best to accommodate you. BEAMLINE FEATURES **MARMOSIAC 225 CCD detector ( <> **MD2 Microdiffractometer ( **MiniKappa goniostat ( -videos available here - **Robotic Sample changer ( <> **Easily Tuneable over the 6.5 - 18 keV range with X-ray flux at sample through 100micron aperture of ~1.5x10*10 photons/s/200mA beam current at 12.7keV **REMOTE ACCESS for data collection FULL CALL DETAILS follow: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- SYNCHROTRON BEAM TIME FOR MACROMOLECULAR CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AT THE UK/EMBL MAD BEAMLINE BM14, ESRF Scheduling Period: Nov/Dec 2008 DEADLINE for proposals: 3rd October 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Call for proposals from EMBL member states, EU states and associated states for Nov/Dec 2008 synchrotron run at ESRF. The bending magnet MAD beamline BM14 at the ESRF is being operated as a UK Collaborative Research Group(CRG) beamline in collaboration with the EMBL Grenoble Outstation. Proposals for beam time can be made via a user-friendly web based application form, both for monochromatic and multi-wavelength experiments. Beam time is available to groups from the UK and EMBL, EU and EU associated member states. Deadline(25th July 2008) for beamtime proposals at BM14/ESRF for Nov/Dec 2008 Reimbursement is available for travel and subsistence for groups based in the UK based and EU member or associate member states (see NeedToKnow Link in Main menu on Beamline Homepage for details on reimbursement and other useful information) Full details of the beamline characteristics, the user program and the procedure for the submission of electronic proposals can be found at the beamline homepage <> or by following the links from <> or <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Please don't hesistate to contact me if you have any queries Thanks Martin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Walsh, MRC Group Leader and BM14 Responsible Medical Research Council (MRC) France, CRG BM14, c/o ESRF, 6, rue Jules Horowitz, B.P. 220 38043 Grenoble CEDEX France Tel: +33 4 Fax: +33 4 email1: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] email2: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]