We have an old Hydra +1 that I'm trying to get running to set up 
crystallization plates.  The unit has an automated wash station and a 
plate positioner. The original laptop that used to run it has long since 
disappeared, along with any software.  Although Art Robbins no longer 
actively supports the Hydra, their lead Engineer Dave Wright sent me what 
looked like the files I needed.  Unfortunately, they're for a software 
upgrade and need to be installed over the original software.  Does anyone 
have the Hydra+1 installation disks, or know of anyone who might?

Thanks for your help,


P.S. If you're concerned about sharing the software you can contact Dave 
Wright at Robbins: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeff Christensen
Research Scientist 
deCODE biostructures 
7869 NE Day Rd. W. 
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 
phone (206) 780-8933
fax (206) 780-8547 

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