Dear All,
A one year postdoctoral position is available immediately in the lab of Dr.
Jim Spencer in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the
University of Bristol, U.K. The successful applicant will work to
biochemically characterise and crystallise a novel metalloprotein involved
in antibiotic resistance in Staphylococci.
The ideal candidate will have experience in recombinant protein expression
and purification, characterisation of metalloproteins (particularly Fe-S
proteins) protein crystallisation and structure determination using
anomalous scattering methods. However, candidates with a strong background
in some of these areas are encouraged to apply.
Further details are available online at:
or feel free to contact me directly. After September 26th (Friday) please
send CVs directly to me.
Best wishes
Dr. James Spencer,
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
University of Bristol School of Medical Sciences
University Walk
Bristol BS8 1TD
Tel: (44) (0) 117 331 2084
Fax: (44) (0) 117 331 2091