Hi Daniel,
Sorry to hear about your problem with mrbump. You say that you put the
Fasta35 executable in the ccp4i bin directory(note the "i"). This
directory is probably not in your system PATH. I would recommend that
you put it into the $CCP4/bin which should be in your system path
provided that CCP4 is set up correctly.
Kind regards,
Daniel Wohlwend wrote:
Hi all,
We' ve just encountered a problem concerning the installation of MrBump on our
Linux machine. MrBump needs Fasta35 for operation, but during installation
does not recognise the already installed Fasta35, even if Fasta35 is placed in
the ccp4i bin. Under the same location the recognition of ClustalW did not
oppose a problem. Can anybody help us? Where do we have to put Fasta35 in
order to continue the installation of MrBump? Or is something possibly wrong
with the permissions (global or local)?
If anyone has an idea, please let us know!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Daniel Wohlwend
GZMB Abt. für molekulare Strukturbiologie
Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11
37077 Goettingen
phone: 0551-39-14074