Remember, there's a whole mailing list & wiki dedicated to PyMOL, so no need to 
clutter up CCP4bb with PyMOL-specific questions!

More complete answer:

# assuming that movie has already been defined in PyMOL
# (such that it already plays interactively), you can then issue:

viewport 2000,2000

set ray_trace_frames

mpng mov/img

# resulting images will be mov/img0001.png, mov/img0002.png, etc.

Also note that it may be necessary to run the above as a script in command-line 
only mode (-c launch option) if your screen is less than 2000 pixels high and 
if the operating system doesn't permit windows larger than the screen size.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Andrzej Lyskowski
Sent: Wed 9/17/2008 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Generate high resolution pirctures in pymol

  There are detailed instructions on the net but as far as I can 
remember all you need before starting to generate the frames is the 
following command:

  set ray_trace_frames, 1

  Also, why do you need such a high resolution. I know that computers 
have a lot of power to burn but if you want to use animation in the 
presentation later on say 320x240 is more then enough! Remember that 
nowadays beamers seldom can do more then 1024x768.


yang li wrote:
> Hi all,
>     Can somebody please help me to generate high resolution movie files for
> secondary structure of proteins? After I ray a model with high resolution in
> pymol and then save it as movie frames, the high resolution and ray seem
> lost. I have tried the command likes ray 2000,2000 and it does work for a
> single frame, but can anybody tell me how it could be extended to say 40 or
> 80 frames of a movie?
>     Your suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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