Hello All,
Does anyone know of an agent that will break up a protein-protein
interaction without eluting an MBP-tagged protein from amylose resin? I am
trying to do a protein-protein binding assay with an immobilized MBP-tagged
protein. Granted, the putative binder will be easy to distinguish on
SDS-PAGE, so I could simply elute the whole mess with SDS, maltose, urea,
etc., but it would be cleaner to just knock off the binding protein (I plan
to use a lot of the MBP-tagged protein, so the gel would get a big
distorting protein blob). Also, we do not have a good antibody for the
putative binding protein, so a western is out of the running, although we do
have tons of both proteins, hence coomassie is IN the running.
Jacob Keller
Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sabine Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:39 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] difference in data processed with xscale and scala
Hello everyone,
I am puzzled about differences I see when I refine the very same structure
against data processed with xscale or scala.
I got data to 2.55A from a protein-ligand complex. The data were processed
with xds/xscale (1) or xds/scala (2)
Free R was imported from a previously solved structure with a different
ligand, first to (1) and from there to (2).
After MR and refinement (Refmac/Phenix), I get some difference density
peaks (a bit pos and neg), near the ligand when I refine against (1) and
it converges more or less around R/Rfree of 20.9 and 24.8. I do not get
these pos and negative density blobs when I refine the same coordinates
against (2), with a tiny bit higher R/Rfree of 21.6/26.1?
So the data processed with scala, where I get slightly better refinement
statistics, I end up with some pos/neg density peaks. They don't show up
when I apply a high resolution cut-off of 2.65A during refinement.
Symmetry is orthorhombic and the statistics are OK (Rsym 0.09 and 0.38 in
highest shell, redundancy ~5, I/sigI =1.9, mean I/sigI = 5.2 ) and in
both files appear to be more or less the same number of reflections.
I also did simulated annealing, omitting the region around the ligand in a
15A radius and the density is nicely coming up. But it doesn't make a
difference: after refinement I always end up with the result as discribed
above? And there isn't really a difference between the two structures in
the end.
Has anyone an idea whats going on?