On Sep 4, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Jayashankar wrote:
Dear Computational crystallographers and developers,
I still struggle with my mac book pro, to install crystallographic
This is why I bought the mac book amateur.
The fink list has cctbx, I want to know whether this cums in
unstable or
stable branch of fink distribution.
(I never get any credit for the comments I manage to refrain from
It is in the "unstable" branch, which loosely translated, means
"current enough to be useful."
You might find it much easier, however, simply to download and install
phenix, which is a superset of this. You have to register on the
phenix website. http://www.phenix-online.org/
cctbx is the subset of stuff that is open-source.
And i have hard time in updating my fink with fink selfupdate-cvs or
rsync(everytime fails and i see no list with xtal programs).
both fails every time.
Some routers seem to prevent the updating. For example, my university-
wide generic wireless does this to me. The only thing I can really
recommend is to find a more permissive/useful internet hookup.
I however could not activate the unstable branch of fink. I want a
to install ccp4,coot and other crystallographic softwares.
The only reason to use this is for convenience. I do it because I work
at a do-it-yourself university, so it is easiest for me to roll my
own, so to speak (to put it in Santa Cruz terminology). So if it is
inconvenient, there are many other options. For example, ccp4
distributes its own official binaries.
Scott page was the only place i had gone through as far as now.
I just made the instructions (hopefully) better about 15 hours ago.
Research Student
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Hannover Medical School Germany