There are still a limited number of places available at the Como
Crystallography School in late September.
Visit the web site for the detailed program and registration details!
The registration deadline
has been extended for the last time, to 16th September.
The 9th International School on the Crystallography of Biological
Società del Casino, Como, Italy
September 29th–October 3rd, 2008
Prof. Keith Wilson (York University, UK)
Dr. Marjolein Thunnissen (Lund University, Sweden)
Dr. Derek Logan (Lund University, Sweden)
The school focuses on the application of X-ray crystallographic
methods to the study of biological macromolecules, with emphasis on
the latest developments. The programme includes lectures on protein
expression and purification, crystallisation, data collection and
processing, synchrotron sources, phasing, phase improvement, model
building, refinement and analysis of structural data. These methods
sections will be complemented with seminars about new structures.
Participants who are encouraged to present a poster; nine of the oral
contributions will be selected from the poster abstracts.