Hello Everyone!... I'm starting to thing about an air conditioning system for the optical hutch of one of our beamlines, which suffers from positional and energy drifts associated with several sources. It's clear that the specifications for such system can cover a wide range of requirements. However at the present time I would like to just have a feeling of how much I would probably spend with a system like that. Someone who already had to commissioning one could give some idea? I hope you are all fine, Lucas Sanfelici Physicist Brazilian Synchrotron Ligth Source- LNLS ( <http://www.lnls.br> www.lnls.br) Diagnostics Group PO Box 6192 Postal Code 13083-970 Campinas-SP Brazil Phone: +55-19-3512-1153/1152 Fax: +55-19-3512-1006 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]