Dear Martin et al:

This, along with some scripting in coot and my favorite shell (zsh), did the trick.

Many thanks to all who replied, and apologizes for what in retrospect must have been a very poorly-worded question.

Maybe this functionality can be incorporated in the next release of perlmole.

Bill Scott

On Jul 31, 2008, at 9:05 PM, Martin.Laurberg wrote:

Almost there then (I wrote the line without checking)..

I moved the 'P' one position to the left and now it works, provided first
atom record of every atom record is the phosphor (/ P  /) atom :

perl -ne 'BEGIN{$i=0}if (/^ATOM/) \
{if (substr($_,12,4) =~ / P  /){$i++}; \
substr($_,22,4,sprintf("%4.0f",$i))}{print}'  file.pdb

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, William G. Scott wrote:

turned them all to zeros

William G. Scott

Contact info:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 5:03 PM, Martin.Laurberg wrote:

Bill, if each residue starts at the same atom name, something close to
this might work:

perl -ne 'BEGIN{$i=0}if (/^ATOM/){if (substr($_,12,4) =~ /  P /){$i+
substr($_,22,4,sprintf("%4.0f",$i))}{print}' file.pdb


Martin Laurberg, PhD
Noller Laboratory
225 Sinsheimer Laboratories
University of California at Santa Cruz
CA-95064 Santa Cruz

Tel +1 (831) 459 35 84
Fax +1 (831) 459 37 37

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, William Scott wrote:

Hi folks:

I am hoping there is a simple answer I have overlooked to the
following question.  I have a pdb file in it that has multiple
residues that have the same number and chain ID, and I want to force
them to be renumbered sequentially.  Is there a simple way to do so
(eg, pdbset) or am I doomed to fixing it manually?


Bill Scott

William G. Scott

Contact info:

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