Those colorful tags may be too big for crystallization purpose. You can try
GFP or heme based tags. A few companies are promoting heme based red tags.
Red color is not very intense. You'd be better off with UV or GFP. There are
small molecule tags that links to Cys. But you'll spend a fortune to get
enough to see. They are Ni-NTA linked dyes as well.

If your protein expresses well, you can see it while you growing the




Chun Luo, Ph.D. 
The Protein Expert
Accelagen, Inc. 
11585 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 107 
San Diego, CA 92121 
TeL: 858-350-8085 ext 111 
Fax: 858-350-8001 



From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 4:26 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] offtopic-"colorful tag"


Hi all,


I am curious whether there is an expression system in which the target
protein will be expressed with a tag, which has a strong extinction
coefficient in visible wavelength range? That will dramatically simplify my
protein purification and crystallization.


Thanks for your suggestion.



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